Let’s Talk About It: Teen Stress

Interview with Kelsey Byrn, LPC-MHSP Temp

Most every teenager has experienced stress at some point in their life, some more often than others. According to The American Institute of Stress, Gen Z experiences a higher level of stress compared to other age groups. Teen stress stems from a myriad of reasons including school demands and frustrations, negative thoughts and feelings about themselves, changes in their bodies, problems with friends and relationships, family issues and more.‌

Kelsey Byrn, LPC-MHSP Temp, HeartLife, counsels teenagers daily and says the most common source of stress she sees amongst her patients is that of perfectionism and pressure.‌

“I hear many teens talk about all of the ways they feel they have to be perfect, and it just never feels like it's enough,” Kelsey said. “I think comparison also plays a huge role in this, whether it is comparing themselves to a friend or classmate, or someone on social media. Perfectionism and pressure show up in many areas of life including grades, sports, body image, friendships and other relationships.”

Kelsey uses a blend of “talk therapy” and psychoeducation to help teens manage their stress levels and form a right view of themselves in light of the Gospel– that Christ lived perfectly on our behalf and His life, death and resurrection free us to breathe and to trust.‌

“Talk therapy is exactly what it sounds like– simply sitting with someone in the middle of their mess or struggle and talking it out. There is something about laying it all out on the table with someone who isn't your parent or teacher and who isn't in your everyday life. Many people find it helpful to process their thoughts and feelings out loud,” Kelsey explained.

This is certainly not a new method, as Jesus used this in His ministry. Yes, we see much of Jesus’ public ministry– like where He turned water into wine at a wedding or met the needs of over 5,000 with just two fish and five loaves of bread, but it’s important to realize that over half of His ministry was done privately, in the context of interpersonal relationships. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is seen meeting people where they are, beginning conversations and developing relationships. Jesus modeled this, especially with His disciples.

As believers and counselors, we at HeartLife desire to reflect Christ in our counseling sessions by incorporating a sort of “talk therapy” and meeting people where they are, fulfilling our call to care for the souls of our patients.

Kelsey also uses psychoeducation, which essentially means teaching someone the "how" and “why" behind the way their brain and body respond to stress, and then equipping them with coping skills they can use in a practical way at home or school.

Treating high levels of stress in teens must first come with acknowledgment.

“Sometimes, acknowledging can be the hardest part, and it may even take someone else noticing the stress. Oftentimes, teens know they are stressed and spreading themselves too thin, but choose to ignore it,” Kelsey explained. “Either way, coming to a place where one is willing to admit they are imperfect and struggling takes a lot of vulnerability.”

Kelsey suggests a few resources that may be helpful for both teens and parents as they navigate stress and anxiety as followers of Christ:

  • Try Softer: A Fresh Approach to Move Us out of Anxiety, Stress, and Survival Mode--and into a Life of Connection and Joy, authored by Aundi Kolber, MA, LPC

  • Present over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living, written by Shauna Niequist.

There will always be times in our lives when we feel more stressed than others, and there is actually a healthy amount of stress (eustress) that all human beings feel. If your teen feels like stress is taking over their day-to-day life, is unmanageable, or is even beginning to impact their health in a negative way, HeartLife is here to help.

To schedule an appointment with Kelsey Byrn, or any other HeartLife provider, contact 901.756.5788 or email us at frontdesk@heartlifesoulcare.org.

And remember, Jesus makes a promise to us in Matthew 11:30, saying, "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” We can trust Him.

Meet Kelsey Byrn, LPC-MHSP Temp!

Kelsey Byrn graduated with her Master of Science from the University of Memphis with a degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Kelsey is passionate about helping others, especially children and adolescents, find freedom in many areas of struggle. 

Kelsey believes that a person-centered, human-to-human connection makes the greatest impact. She also believes that practicing from a biblical foundation of truth allows one to get to the core of the deeper struggles that exist by allowing our Creator to heal broken places. Kelsey  enjoys using a blend of art and play therapies when appropriate, including painting, drawing, games and sand tray activities. 


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