Physical Health is Mental Health

Rachel Huff, HeartLife Counselor and Licensed Brain Health Trainer, encourages us to take physical steps toward pursuing better mental health. Begin implementing these five steps today and watch your physical health improve your mental health!

  1. Drink 8 glasses of water a day: Water is important for all the body’s regular functions. One function is keeping us regular and maintaining gut health. Much of the body’s serotonin is produced in the gut. Lack of enough serotonin is said to play a role in depression, anxiety and other mental illnesses. Drinking water allows the gut to perform the basic and necessary functions to keep producing needed serotonin for your brain and mental health. 

  2. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night: Our brain needs these 7 - 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in order to cleanse itself each day. Getting out in the sun during the day can help our body maintain its biological (circadian) rhythm and know when to begin producing melatonin at night.

  3. Exercise 20-30 minutes a day: Get to moving your body! It does not have to be intense or vigorous. Any movement of the body can boost your mood and confidence, increase blood flow to the brain and improve overall physical health. 

  4. Practice gratitude daily: Our brains are wired to protect us so it is natural to scan the environment for negative things. It is important to keep our thoughts in check by practicing gratitude, especially in hard or stressful times. This mindset will help challenge and balance our brains to make neurological connections that look for good things in the world. This concept can be found in the Bible as well. Check out Philippians 4:6-8!

  5. Limit your sugar intake: When we are stressed, we want sugar! Know, however, that anxiety feeds off sugar. It may feel good for a moment but it will cost you later — physically and mentally.

If reading these make you feel overwhelmed, try to take just one step today. Any step is a step toward improving your physical and mental health!


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